Engaging Curiosity
We tickle your curiosity-centers to maximize learning in a fun and engaging way. Want to know how to be happier, healther, or have more time? Then you came to the right place!
A growing universe of knowledge
Following the scent of discoveries, we dive into the depths of science, pluck diamonds of knowledge from old ripened publications and newest observations and add these jewels to our nosy database. Then, we build systems of ideas based on proof and sources until whole systems form around topics, ready to be shared.
A passion for applied science
In this way we aim to share our passion with the world. Knowledge is the key to solve any problem or have a life in which you can better concentrate on the things that are important to you, regardless if they are work or family, sports or games, parties or cozy reading sessions, or, or or.
Latest articles
Sleep against hunger
Hunger and sleep are as deeply intertwined as that reach for comfort food and a tired cozy day. Explore in this article the method to sleep your hunger away. In short, Low sleep quality and / or sleep duration greatly increases appetite and are considered base causes of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Exercise against hunger
Exercise is an unusual suspect when comes to reducing hunger. But it’s there, happily and effectively negating those hunger hormones with the tenacity of a woodpecker.
Caffeine against hunger
Caffeine isn’t just an effective agent against sleep. Also hunger is beaten down by the central nervous system-stimulant with the strength of if not a thousand, than at least a hundred suns.
Fasting against adipose tissue
Intro In the fasting-intro we claimed that fasting is a good way to lose weight, and fulfill all those new-years resolutions. But apart from that January-spur of energy, why should we care, and invest that time and energy? The dangers of weight Once upon a time, before humans found the fast-food and frozen aisle hunting…
How does documentation do
A look into the mechanisms that power documentation from stability, to overviews and compounding interests.